KoreBuild and Travis CI Gotchas

In this post I will show you how I got KoreBuild to work on Travis CI for building and testing your .NET Core projects in a Linux and Mac environment.

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DIY pfSense Firewall/Router Part 3: Wireless Access Point

Wifi logo

In the second part we installed pfSense and did some general setup. In this part I’ll show you how I setup my pfSense to act as a wireless access point.

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DIY pfSense Firewall/Router Part 2: Installation

pfSense logo

In the first part I introduced pfSense and the hardware I’m using for building my firewall/router. In this part I’ll show how to install pfSense and do some general setup.

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DIY pfSense Firewall/Router Part 1: Introduction

Intel Celeron 1037U Mini Desktop Computer

When i moved to a new appartment some time ago there was already a router installed and provided by my ISP. The router was responsible for routing WAN and IPTV traffic and acted as a Wireless Access Point. However the router was completely locked down and there were no way to access it. I started to look for a replacement and quite soon I found a match made in heaven - pfSense as firewall/router on my own hardware.

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Put your GitHub pages on warp speed with CloudFlare

Cloudflare logo

By using a custom domain for your GitHub page you can utilize CloudFlare to make your site secure and faster for your visitors, for free. I will also show you some more features that CloudFlare has to offer.

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